Supporting the Malaysian Defence White Paper MY ATM 30th August 201930th August 2019 By Datuk Dr Ruhanie AhmadAugust 30, 2019 @ 12:07amPublished on New Straits Times THE Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) plays a vital role to deter war and preserve peace in the interest of the country’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence; as well as the well-being of citizens and the economy. Hence, one month
Malaysian Chief of Defence Forces Satisfied with current Military Assets MY ATM 23rd August 201926th August 2019 KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 23 -- Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) chief Gen Tan Sri Zulkifli Zainal Abidin says he is satisfied with the current line-up of military assets owned, to ensure the country's sovereignty and interests remain protected. He said the asset acquisition plan for all three branches of the MAF comprising
Mindef Secretary-General Visits 31 Brigade in Sarawak MY ATM 18th August 201918th August 2019 SARAWAK: The 31st Infantry Brigade Headquarters (31st Bde) received a working visit from the Ministry of Defense Secretary-General Datuk Seri Mohd Zuki Ali at the Junaco Park Camp on August 17, 2019. He was accompanied by Army Eastern Field Commander LG Datuk Wira Zamrose Mohd Zain and 1st Division Commander MG
Understand Armed Forces’ Role in Preserving Peace MY ATM 14th August 201914th August 2019 Deputy Defence Minister Liew Chin Tong has urged members of the public to better understand the role played by the armed forces in preserving peace in the country. This came after the tycoon Koon Yew Yin suggested that armed forces personnel should replace foreign workers at Felda plantations as one of the
Immediate Media Statement by Deputy Defence Minister Liew Chin Tong MY ATM 14th August 201914th August 2019 Deputy Minister of Defence Liew Chin Tong's press release on Tuesday 13 August 2019 in Kuala Lumpur I have written at length about the role of the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) and the wrong perception on their roles, and have the misunderstanding of the military. ( In times of peace, the
ADMM-Plus EWG on HADR Exercise 2019 Ops & Training 1st August 20191st August 2019 KUALA LUMPUR, July 31, 2019 - The ADMM-Plus EWG participants on the HADR Exercise 2019 received a brief visit from Defence Ministry Secretary-General Datuk Seri Mohd Zuki bin Ali and Joint Force HQ Commander LG Dato 'Suhaimi bin Hj Mohd Zuki who were there to review the ongoing exercise.
Happy Warriors Day to Malaysia’s Warriors MY ATM 31st July 201931st July 2019 The independence and freedom we have enjoyed so far has been the result of the sweat, blood and sacrifice of the country's soldiers who are capable of doing anything to preserve the security and sovereignty of this beloved homeland. Your services and talents are always remembered and well carved in the
Defense White Paper Dialogue Series – People in Defence MY ATM 22nd July 201922nd July 2019 Kuala Lumpur, July 22, 2019 - Deputy Defence Minister, YB Senator Liew Chin Tong completed the 3rd Officer Dialogue - Defense White Paper Dialogue Series on the topic "People in Defence" at the Wisma Pertahanan Auditorium this morning. Deputy defence minister YB Senator Liew Chin Tong delivering his speech at the
Official myPsychology Website MY ATM 18th July 201918th July 2019 We are pleased to inform that the Psychological Management Branch, Human Resource Management Division launched the myPsychology website on July 17, 2019 (Wednesday) in collaboration with Information Management Division, Ministry of Defence. The purpose of the myPsychology portal is to inculcate creativity and innovation in service delivery by taking initiatives to
Military as the Last Resort MY ATM 14th July 201914th July 2019 By Liew Chin Tong July 7, 2019 @ 11:32pm Malaysian Deputy Defence Minister Liew Chin Tong I WAS sworn in as deputy defence minister on July 17 last year. Friends and colleagues often ask me: “What do you actually do at Mindef? Nothing much, right? You must be quite free, right?” I also often