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“We are on GERAK PANTAS mode!”

10 Brigade (Para) Conducts Exercise GERAK PANTAS 25/21 – AIRBORNE OPERATION

“We are on FAST MOVEMENT mode!” –

10th Brigade Commander (Para)

Watch the Video Summary of Preparation and Pre Deployment Training of Exercise GERAK PANTAS 25/21/21 which will be conducted for 2 weeks from 18 Oct to 30 Oct 2021. This video showcases the high alertness of 10 Brigade (Para) as the main Quick Reaction Force (QRF) of the Army to face any threats and external elements.

The main objective of the exercise is to assess the competencies of Leading Para Battle Group (LPBG) and Follow Up Para Battle Group (FUPBG) in Airborne Operation by QRF, in addition to testing command leadership at each level in terms of ability to Lead, Commit, Train and Manage.

The conduct of this exercise also aims to assess the level of alertness and competence of this unit to ensure that all officers and members involved maintain a high level of alertness to be mobilized at all times.

video credit: Malaysian Army


“We are on GERAK PANTAS mode!” –

Panglima 10 Briged (Para)

Saksikan Rangkuman Video Persiapan dan Pre Deployment Training bagi menghadapi EKS GERAK PANTAS Siri 25/21 yang akan dilaksanakan selama 2 minggu bermula dari 18 Okt hingga 30 Okt 2021. Video ini mempamerkan kesiagaan tinggi 10 Briged (Para) sebagai ketumbukan utama Tentera Darat dalam Pasukan Aturgerak Cepat (PAC, ATM) bagi menghadapi sebarang ancaman dan anasir luar.

Objektif utama eksesais adalah untuk menilai kompetensi bagi Leading Para Battle Group(LPBG) dan Follow Up Para Battle Group(FUPBG) dalam Airborne Operation Pasukan Atur Cepat (PAC, ATM) di samping menguji kepimpinan pemerintah di setiap lapisan dalam aspek kemampuan Memimpin, Memerintah, Melatih dan Mengurus (Lead, Comd, Train and Manage).

Pelaksanaan eksesais ini juga bertujuan untuk menilai tahap kesiagaan dan kompetensi ketumbukan ini bagi memastikan semua pegawai dan anggota yang terlibat mengekalkan tahap kesiagaan tinggi bagi diaturgerakkan pada sebilang masa.

kredit video : Tentera Darat Malaysia
