NEGERI SEMBILAN: The Army 14th Royal Malay Regiment (Mechanised) – 14 RMR (Mech), the 11th Royal Armor Corps Regiment (11 KAD), the Fourth Royal Artillery Regiment (4 RAR) and the 11th Squadron of the Royal Engineer Army Regiment ( 11 RAJD) were involved in the Live Firing Manoeuvre Exercise (LiFMEx) held at the Bravo Site, Asahan Target Range on 3 Jul 2022.
This exercise was conducted to test the combined capabilities of the fighting units of the Malaysian Third Infantry Division (3 Div) as well as to improve the skills of members in performing Combined Arms operations using live ammunition.
Throughout the training, officers and members have practiced Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP) in combined combat situations that apply basic elements of combat.
This LiFMEx plan is the result of an idea from the Commander of 3 Div, Maj Gen Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim to enable realistic training with the concept of ‘train as we fight’ and implemented based on combined Battle-Focused Training. This training is also a pilot project that will be conducted on an ongoing basis.
The conduct of this exercise is in line with the First Pillar of the 28th Army Commander’s Supreme Order, namely Mission Continuity and Readiness.
- Headquarters of the Third Malaysian Infantry Division
NEGERI SEMBILAN: Batalion Ke-14 Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja Mekanize (14 RAMD (Mek)), Rejimen Ke-11 Kor Armor Diraja (11 KAD), Rejimen Keempat Artileri Diraja (4 RAD) dan Skuadron Ke-11 Rejimen Askar Jurutera Diraja (11 RAJD) terlibat dalam Live Firing Manoeuvre Exercise (LiFMEx) yang diadakan di Tapak Bravo, Lapang Sasar Asahan pada 3 Jul 2022.
Latihan ini dilaksanakan bertujuan untuk menguji keupayaan gabungan penggempur Divisyen Ketiga Infantri Malaysia (3 Div) serta bagi meningkatkan kemahiran anggota dalam melaksanakan aturgerak secara Combined Arms menggunakan peluru hidup.
Sepanjang latihan dijalankan, pegawai dan anggota telah mempraktikkan Taktik, Teknik dan Prosedur (TTP) dalam situasi gabungan pasukan tempur yang mengaplikasikan elemen asas pertempuran.
Rancangan LiFMEx ini merupakan hasil cetusan idea dari Panglima 3 Div, Mej Jen Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim bagi membolehkan latihan secara realistik berkonsepkan ‘train as we fight’ dan dilaksanakan berlandaskan Battle-Focused Training secara gabungan serta latihan ini juga merupakan pilot project yang akan dilaksanakan secara berterusan.
Pelaksanaan latihan ini adalah selaras dengan Tonggak Pertama Perintah Ulung Panglima Tentera Darat Ke-28 iaitu Kelangsungan Misi dan Kesiagaan.
- Markas Divisyen Ketiga Infantri Malaysia