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Launch of Malaysian Military Geospatial Expertise Trade

KLUANG 7 August 19 – The launch of the Royal Engineer’s Regiment (RAJD) Geospatial Expertise Trade was being held at the Engineers’ Hall, Army Field Engineering Institute (IKEM), Mahkota Camp, Kluang, Johor. IKEM was selected as the launch site as it was the birthplace of the Royal Engineer Corps “Where Engineers are Born”.

The launch ceremony is a historic event for the RAJD. Following the recognition and approval during the 575th Armed Forcess Council Meeting on 24 May 19 which passed Geospatial Expertise Trade as the 16th Trade in the RAJD. The creation of this trade is a recognition of the 12 Geospatial posts at the RAJD Headquarters of the Army’s Western Field Command (PMBTD), HQ RAJD Division and the Army Field Engineering Institute (IKEM) which were created during the RAJD 2018 restructuring.

The ceremony was officiated by Chief Engineer Officer MG Dato’ Pahlawan Hj Ahmad Nasir bin Hj Abd Rahman. In his speech, he emphasised that Geospatial Defence’s tasks and functions were to be strengthened in line with the strategic development of the MAF such as the creation of Network Centric Operation (NCO), engineering intelligence and modern MAF systems that require more detailed geospatial data.

He also told members who are skilled in MAF geospatial defence are seen as capable of competing internationally and capable of facing future challenges in the military world.

KLUANG 7 Ogos 19 – Majlis Pelancaran Tred Jurugeospatial Rejimen Askar Jurutera Diraja (RAJD) telah dilaksanakan di Dewan Jurutera, Institut Kejuruteraan Medan Tentera Darat (IKEM), Kem Mahkota, Kluang, Johor. Pemilihan IKEM sebagai lokasi pelancaran kerana ia merupakan tempat lahirnya anggota jurutera “Where Engineers are Born” bagi Kor RAJD.

Majlis Pelancaran ini adalah acara bersejarah bagi RAJD, berlanjutan daripada perakuan dan kelulusan Mesyuarat Majlis Angkatan Tentera (MAT) ke 575 yang bersidang pada 24 Mei 19 telah meluluskan Tred Jurugeospatial sebagai Tred ke-16 dalam RAJD. Pewujudan tred ini merupakan satu pengiktirafan kepada 12 perjawatan Jurugeospatial di Markas RAJD Pemerintahan Medan Barat Tentera Darat (PMBTD), Markas RAJD Divisyen dan Institut Kejuruteraan Medan Tentera Darat (IKEM) yang wujud sempena penstrukturan RAJD 2018.

Majlis telah dirasmikan oleh Ketua Jurutera RAJD, Mejar Jeneral Dato’ Pahlawan Hj Ahmad Nasir bin Hj Abd Rahman. Dalam ucapannya, beliau menegaskan tugas dan fungsi Geospatial Pertahanan diperkasakan selaras dengan pembangunan strategik ATM seperti pewujudan Network Centric Operation (NCO), perisikan jurutera dan sistem pensenjataan moden ATM yang memerlukan data geospatial yang lebih terperinci.

Beliau juga memberitahu anggota yang berkemahiran dalam bidang geospatial pertahanan ATM, dilihat mampu bersaing di peringkat antarabangsa dan mengharungi cabaran-cabaran di dalam dunia ketenteraan pada masa akan datang.

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