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Ex URBAN EAGLE 1/2019 – Improving OBUA Capabilities

MELAKA: Company D, 17 RAR (Para) successfully conducted Ex Urban Eagle Series 1/2019 Operation In Build-Up Area (OBUA) located at Hotel Pantai Puteri on 28 August 28 2019.

The exercise involving four officers and 150 other ranks were carried out over three days beginning 25 August 2019 and was designed in to train combat companies to carry out operations within the built-up area as outlined by the 10th Brigade Commander.

This exercise was carried out in three phases: the first phase: preparation, the second phase: theory and practical classes, IMAP and the third command and phase: Field Training Exercise (FTX).

After Action Review (AAR) was conducted after FTX training was conducted for future training improvement.

This new concept of millennium warfare aims to increase the level of mastery in the implementation of OBUA techniques, tactics and procedures (TTPs) namely Rapid Drill Exercise (RDX) and OBUA Drill Exercise (ODX).

In addition, it aims to train all levels of command in planning aspects for the implementation of the exercise.

Eks Urban Eagle Siri 1/2019 Pertingkatkan Kemahiran OBUA

MELAKA: Kompeni D, 17 RAMD (Para) berjaya melaksanakan Eks Urban Eagle Siri 1/2019 yang berkonsepkan Operation In Build-Up Area (OBUA) bertempat di Hotel Pantai Puteri pada 28 Ogos 2019.

Eks yang melibatkan seramai empat Pegawai dan 150 Lain-Lain Pangkat itu dilaksanakan selama tiga hari bermula 25 Ogos 2019 dan dirangka secara terperinci bagi melatih kompeni tempur agar mampu melaksanakan operasi dikawasan terbina sepertimana yang digariskan oleh Panglima 10 Briged (Para).

Secara keseluruhannya, eks ini telah dilaksanakan dalam tiga fasa iaitu fasa pertama : persiapan, fasa kedua : kelas teori dan praktikal, IMAP dan perintah dan fasa ketiga : Field Training Exercise (FTX).

After Action Review (AAR) telah dilakukan setelah latihan FTX dijalankan bagi penambahbaikan latihan di masa hadapan.

Eksesais yang berkonsepkan peperangan alaf baru ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan tahap penguasaan anggota dalam perlaksanaan teknik, taktik dan prosedur (TTP) OBUA iaitu Rapid Drill Exercise (RDX) dan OBUA Drill Exercise (ODX).

Selain itu, bertujuan untuk melatih semua peringkat pemerintah dalam aspek perancangan bagi pelaksanaan eks.

Oleh: Lt M Mohd Nafiq Afifi Jumaan
Gambar: Sel Risik 17 RAMD (Para)

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