SABAH: Warrant Officer I (PW I) Reehan Ahmad has been appointed Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM) of the Malaysia Fifth Infantry Division Headquarters (HQ 5 Div) effective 2 Nov 2020.

He became the first RSM since the establishment of HQ 5 Div on 4 Sep 2019 where he was interviewed by HQ 5 Div Chief of Staff, Col Shamsuri Hj Noordin.

Prior to his appointment as RSM HQ 5 Div, he held several other positions throughout his tenure including Repalman, Assistant Section Head, Section Head, Assistant Platoon Chief, Company Sergeant Major and Regimental Sergeant Major .

He was also entrusted to hold the position of RSM in the 26th Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment (26 RMR) from 29 June 2016 to 12 August 2018 and RSM of 516 Territorial Army Regiment from 13 August 2018 to 1 November 2020.

Based on his excellence and leadership, he has been given the trust and mandate to hold the position as the first RSM HQ 5 Div.

SMR Pertama Mk 5 Div

First RSM of Malaysia Army 5 Div, Warrant Officer I (PW I) Reehan Ahmad.

SABAH: Pegawai Waran I (PW I) Reehan Ahmad telah dilantik sebagai Sarjan Mejar Rejimen ( SMR) Markas Divisyen Kelima Infantri Malaysia ( Mk 5 Div) berkuatkuasa pada 2 Nov 2020.Beliau menjadi SMR yang pertama sejak penubuhan Mk 5 Div pada 4 Sep 2019 yang lepas dimana beliau telah ditemuduga masuk oleh Ketua Staf Mk 5 Div, Kol Shamsuri Hj Noordin.

Sebelum dilantik menjadi SMR Mk 5 Div, beliau telah memegang beberapa jawatan lain di sepanjang tempoh perkhidmatan beliau antaranya adalah, Anggota Repalman, Penolong Ketua Seksyen, Ketua Seksyen, Penolong Ketua Platun, Kompeni Sarjan Mejar dan Sarjan Mejar Rejimen di pasukan.

Beliau turut diberi kepercayaan untuk memegang jawatan sebagai SMR di Batalion Ke-26 Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (26 RAMD) pada 29 Jun 2016 hingga 12 Ogos 2018 dan SMR di pasukan Rejimen 516 AW pada 13 Ogos 2018 hingga 1 Nov 2020. Berdasarkan kecemerlangan dan kepimpinan beliau, maka beliau telah diberi kepercayaan dan mandat untuk menjawat jawatan sebagai SMR Mk 5 Div yang pertama.- Markas Divisyen Kelima Infantri Malaysia

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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