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Exercise SEACAT 21 with United States Navy and Singapore IFC

LUMUT, 16 August-South East Asia Cooperation and Training (SEACAT) 21 is an exercise involving the United States Navy’s USS TULSA (LCS-16) and the SILVER HANA (Oil/chemical tanker) with the Information Fusion Center (IFC), Singapore. It was held from 10 to 15 August 21 around the waters of the Straits of Melaka.

The exercise this time was carried out in two phases. The implementation of the first phase from 10 to 13 August 21 was implemented through the ‘Maritime Domain Awareness Seminar’. The seminar was conducted online at two locations, namely Zain Auditorium, PUSTAKMAR and Dato’ Abdul Ghani Auditorium, Diving and Mine Warfare Headquarters.

This seminar involved three RMN assets, namely KD TERENGGANU, KD KASTURI, KD SRI INDERA SAKTI as well as three units under the auspices of the Western Fleet Command Headquarters, namely RMN Air Headquarters, KD PANGLIMA HITAM (PASKAL) and KD DUYONG.

The second phase of training which is the sea phase was started from 14 to 20 August 21 where KD LAKSAMANA TAN PUSMAH as the RMN representative for a series of search exercises.

Several other series of exercises have also been carried out by KD
LAKSAMANA TAN PUSMAH with the United States Navy covering operations to combat piracy, smuggling and human trafficking. The training scenario was simulated through the distribution of information by IFC Singapore to KD LAKSAMANA TAN PUSMAH who was in the field by informing that the SILVER HANA ship had lost communication and was believed to have been captured by pirates. Acting on information, KD LAKSAMANA TAN PUSMAH successfully tracked the position of the ship based on the Automatic Identification System (AIS).

The observations found that the ship was said to be around the waters of the Straits of Malacca and was heading to the South China Sea. Then KD LAKSAMANA TAN PUSMAH carried out the Querry and Challenge training and then launched the boat with the search team and approached SILVER HANA ship to carry out the crew rescue operation. The results of the investigation and search successfully led to the arrest of 8 pirates along with four AK 47 rifles, two pistols and a machete type sharp weapon with two blades.

The exercise this time is focused on the aspect of information sharing between Operations Centers (PUSOP) by using the IFC Portal where the IFC in Singapore acts as the main mediator. Indirectly, this exercise has succeeded in achieving the main objective outlined which is to strengthen the smooth process of information sharing in the context of maritime security in the region in particular.

Such exercises have been observed to directly increase the level of interoperability between the countries and agencies involved as well as strengthen diplomatic ties with friendly countries. The readiness of the national defence assets can also be tested and at the same time the level of capability of these assets to defend the sovereignty of the beloved homeland has been proven.

Such exercises are able to promote regional maritime security and can be used as a medium to prepare national heroes in defending the country’s waters at any time.


 Exercise SEACAT 21
Exercise SEACAT 21.

LUMUT,16 Ogos – Eksesais South East Asia Cooperation and Training (SEACAT) 21 merupakan eksesais melibatkan pihak Tentera Laut Amerika Syarikat melalui aset kapal USS TULSA (LCS-16) dan Kapal SILVER HANA (Tanker minyak/kimia) bersama pihak Information Fusion Centre (IFC), Singapura telah berlangsung mulai 10 hingga 15 Ogos 21 di sekitar Perairan Selat Melaka.

Eksesais pada kali ini telah dilaksanakan secara dua fasa. Pelaksanaan fasa pertama mulai 10 hingga 13 Ogos 21 telah dilaksanakan melalui ‘Seminar Maritime Domain Awareness’. Seminar ini dilaksanakan secara atas talian di dua lokasi iaitu Auditorium Zain, PUSTAKMAR dan Auditorium Dato’ Abdul Ghani, Markas Selam dan Peperangan Periuk Api.

Seminar ini melibatkan penglibatan tiga buah aset TLDM iaitu KD TERENGGANU, KD KASTURI, KD SRI INDERA SAKTI serta tiga unit naungan Markas Pemerintahan Armada Barat iaitu Markas Udara, KD PANGLIMA HITAM (PASKAL) dan KD DUYONG.

Latihan fasa kedua yang merupakan fasa laut telah dimulakan pada 14 hingga 20 Ogos 21 di mana KD LAKSAMANA TAN PUSMAH sebagai wakil TLDM bagi siri pelaksanaan latihan menggeledah.

Beberapa siri latihan lain juga telah dilaksanakan oleh KD
LAKSAMANA TAN PUSMAH bersama Tentera Laut Amerika Syarikat meliputi operasi membanteras lanun, penyeludupan dan pemerdagangan manusia. Senario latihan tersebut telah disimulasikan melalui penyaluran maklumat oleh IFC Singapura kepada KD LAKSAMANA TAN PUSMAH yang berada dilapangan dengan memaklumkan bahawa kapal SILVER HANA telah terputus hubungan komunikasi dan dipercayai telah ditawan oleh anasir lanun. Bertindak atas penerimaan maklumat, KD LAKSAMANA TAN PUSMAH telah berjaya mengesan kedudukan kapal tersebut berpandukan Automatic Identification System (AIS).

Hasil pemerhatian mendapati kapal dinyatakan berada di sekitar Perairan Selat Melaka dan sedang menuju ke Laut China Selatan. Lantas KD LAKSAMANA TAN PUSMAH melaksanakan latihan Querry and Challenge dan seterusnya melancarkan bot bersama tim mengeledah serta seterusnya merapat ke kapal SILVER HANA untuk melaksanakan operasi menyelamat krew. Hasil siasatan dan penggeledahan telah berjaya membawa kepada penahanan 8 orang lanun beserta empat laras senjata api jenis raifal AK 47, dua pucuk pistol dan senjata tajam jenis parang berjumlah dua bilah.

Eksesais pada kali ini telah mensasarkan fokus terhadap aspek perkongsian maklumat antara Pusat Operasi (PUSOP) dengan menggunakan medium IFC Portal yang mana Pihak IFC di Singapura bertindak sebagai pengantara utama. Secara tidak langsung, eksesais ini telah berjaya mencapai objektif utama yang digariskan iaitu bagi memperkasakan kelancaran proses perkongsian maklumat dalam konteks keselamatan maritim di rantau ini khasnya.

Eksesais seperti ini diperamati telah secara langsung meningkatkan tahap interoperability antara negara dan agensi yang terlibat disamping mengukuhkan jalinan hubungan diplomatik bersama negara-negara sahabat. Kesiagaan aset pertahanan negara juga dapat diuji dan dalam masa yang sama tahap kemampuan aset pertahanan negara dalam ketersediaan mempertahankan kedaulatan tanah air tercinta telah dibuktikan.

Eksesais sebegini ternyata mampu mempromosikan keselamatan maritim serantau serta dapat dijadikan medium untuk mempersiapkan wira-wira negara dalam mempertahankan perairan negara pada sebilang masa.

Sumber : Pejabat Komunikasi Strategik MPAB

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