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Major General Nubli bin Hj Hashim Appointed as Commander of 21st Special Service Group

MERSING, 6 September 2021 – The leadership of Gerup Gerak Khas (GGK) is now led by Major General Nubli bin Hj Hashim, as the Commander of the 21st GGK.

Earlier, the Chief of Army (COA), General Tan Sri Datuk Zamrose bin Mohd Zain, attended the ceremony to confer the rank of Major General to Major General Nubli bin Hj Hashim, located at Headquarters 21 GGK, Iskandar Camp, Mersing.

Major General Nubli bin Hj Hashim promoted to the rank of Major General.

The event was then followed by the Handover Ceremony of the Commander of 21 GGK, which saw Major General Datuk Jamaluddin bin Jambi handing over the duties to Major General Nubli bin Hj Hashim, witnessed by Tan Sri COA.

Major General Datuk Jamaluddin bin Jambi handing over the duties to Major General Nubli bin Hj Hashim
Major General Datuk Jamaluddin bin Jambi handing over the duties to Major General Nubli bin Hj Hashim.

The event was conducted in a simple manner and complied with the Standing Operating Procedures (SOP) of the Movement Control Order (PKP). It only involved the minimum presence of GGK officers and members as well as live video conferencing sessions with units under the auspices of HQ 21 GGK.

Major General Datuk Jamaluddin bin Jambi will end his service in April 2022, after more than 41 years of service in the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF).

Throughout his career, he has been given responsibilities to hold various important positions in the Malaysian Army (TDM), and even had experience in carrying out responsibilities at the international level as an Observer Officer at the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) in 1994. , Commander of the Malaysian Contingent (MALCON) West 2, served under the United Nation Interim Force In Lebanon (UNIFIL) mission in 2009 and Head of the International Monitoring Team – Mindanao 9 (TPA – M9) in 2015.

COA in his speech, also expressed his gratitude and appreciation to Major General Datuk Jamaluddin bin Jambi for all the contributions and services that he has poured during his service, to Army in general and GGK in particular.

The Malaysian Army wishes Major General Datuk Jamaluddin bin Jambi a happy retirement, and prays that he will always have good health and strength through the coming days. Meanwhile, congratulations and good luck to Major General Nubli bin Hj Hashim to continue the struggle so that GGK continues to excel and carve glory under the new leadership.



Major General Datuk Jamaluddin bin Jambi handing over the duties to Major General Nubli bin Hj Hashim.
Major General Datuk Jamaluddin bin Jambi handing over the duties to Major General Nubli bin Hj Hashim.

MERSING, 6 September 2021 – Kepimpinan Gerup Gerak Khas (GGK) kini diterajui oleh Mejar Jeneral Nubli bin Hj Hashim, selaku Panglima 21 GGK Ke–15.

Terdahulu, Panglima Tentera Darat (PTD), Jeneral Tan Sri Datuk Zamrose bin Mohd Zain, telah menyempurnakan upacara pemakaian pangkat Mejar Jeneral kepada Mejar Jeneral Nubli bin Hj Hashim, bertempat di Markas 21 GGK, Kem Iskandar, Mersing.

Acara kemudiannya disusuli dengan Upacara Serah Terima Tugas Panglima 21 GGK, yang menyaksikan Mejar Jeneral Datuk Jamaluddin bin Jambi menyerahkan tugas kepada Mejar Jeneral Nubli bin Hj Hashim, dengan disaksikan oleh Tan Sri PTD.

Acara telah dilaksanakan serba ringkas serta mematuhi Prosedur Tetap Operasi (SOP) Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP). Ianya hanya melibatkan kehadiran minimum pegawai dan anggota GGK serta sesi sidang video secara langsung bersama pasukan di bawah naungan MK 21 GGK.

Major General Nubli bin Hj Hashim appointment as Commander 21 GGK.
Major General Nubli bin Hj Hashim appointment as Commander 21 GGK.

Mejar Jeneral Datuk Jamaluddin bin Jambi bakal menamatkan perkhidmatan pada bulan April 2022, setelah lebih 41 tahun menabur bakti di dalam Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM). Di sepanjang perjalanan kerjayanya, beliau pernah diberi tanggungjawab untuk menjawat pelbagai jawatan penting di dalam Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM), bahkan turut berpengalaman memikul tanggungjawab di peringkat antarabangsa seperti Pegawai Pemerhati di United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) pada tahun 1994, Komander Malaysian Contingent (MALCON) West 2, bertugas di bawah misi United Nation Interim Force In Lebanon (UNIFIL) pada tahun 2009 dan Ketua Penempatan Tim Pemantau Antrabangsa – Mindanao 9 (TPA – M9) pada tahun 2015.

PTD di dalam ucapannya, turut merakamkan ucapan jutaan terima kasih dan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada Mejar Jeneral Datuk Jamaluddin bin Jambi di atas segala sumbangan dan jasa bakti yang pernah beliau curahkan di sepanjang tempoh perkhidmatannya, kepada TDM amnya dan GGK khasnya.

TDM mengucapkan selamat menempuh hari-hari persaraan buat Mejar Jeneral Datuk Jamaluddin bin Jambi, dan didoakan agar sentiasa beroleh kesihatan dan kekuatan dalam melalui hari mendatang. Manakala, sekalung tahniah dan selamat bertugas kepada Mejar Jeneral Nubli bin Hj Hashim untuk meneruskan perjuangan agar GGK terus cemerlang dan mengukir kegemilangan di bawah teraju kepimpinan yang baharu.


