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Cyber Security of the Year 2021 DG BSEP RADM Dato’ Shamsuddin bin Hj Ludin

CYBERJAYA, 14 December 2021 – Director-General (DG) of Defence Cyber and Electromagnetic Division (DG BSEP), RADM Dato’ Shamsuddin bin Hj Ludin has brought honour to the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) for being selected as the Recipient of the 12th Malaysia Cyber Security Professional of the Year 2021 at the Cyber Security Awards Ceremony today. The award is in honour and active involvement and contribution of the nominated individuals to all initiatives and efforts to strengthen the cyber security of the MAF and Malaysia.

RADM Dato’ Shamsuddin bin Hj Ludin is active in strengthening cyber security, especially with his role as DG BSEP which requires him to ensure the security of the MAF cyber defence is on top alert.

He was also active in efforts to strengthen the country’s cyber defence and was also invited as a panelist in the Defense Service Asia (DSA) 2021 Exhibitions and Conference, Webinar Blockchain and AI (Artificial Intelligence) Technologies in Military Perspective, as a panelist at the Malaysian Youth Assembly in Digital Pearl Harbor: Malaysia’s Proactive National Response, as well as a speaker at the Cyber Security Policy Management and Analysis Webinar organized by the Economic Planning Unit of the Prime Minister’s Department (UPE JPM).

DG BSEP also plays an important role in mobilizing the collaboration of government agencies for the development of locally made network security systems with the involvement of MAF, NSC-NACSA, Cybersecurity Malaysia, MAMPU, MIMOS, Defense Industry Division as well as local universities and companies. This collaboration also involves the empowerment of intellectuals in the domain of cyber security at the MAF and Malaysian levels through short courses up to the master’s level.

Director-General (DG) of Defence Cyber and Electromagnetic Division

The Malaysian Cyber ​​Security Award aims to recognize professional efforts to empower information security and encourage innovation as well as spark strategic alliances in the local information and communication technology (ICT) security and infrastructure industries. The award also aims to emphasize the importance and security of cyber security in Malaysia’s information and communication technology (ICT) and digital infrastructure landscape.

MAF congratulates YBhg Dato’ on this proud achievement.



Director-General (DG) of Defence Cyber and Electromagnetic Division

CYBERJAYA, 14 Disember 2021 – Ketua Pengarah Siber dan Elektromagnetik Pertahanan (KP SEP), Laksamana Muda Dato’ Shamsuddin bin Hj Ludin telah mengharumkan nama Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) kerana dipilih sebagai Penerima Anugerah Kategori Profesional Keselamatan Siber Tahun 2021 di Majlis Anugerah Keselamatan Siber Malaysia edisi ke-12 hari ini. Anugerah tersebut adalah sebagai penghormatan dan keterlibatan aktif serta sumbangan individu yang dicalonkan kepada segala inisiatif dan usaha memperkasakan keselamatan siber ATM dan Malaysia.

Laksamana Muda Dato’ Shamsuddin bin Hj Ludin bergiat aktif dalam memperkasakan keselamatan siber terutama dengan peranan sebagai KP SEP yang memerlukan beliau untuk memastikan keselamatan pertahanan siber ATM berada di kesiagaan utama.

Beliau turut bergiat aktif dalam usaha-usaha memperkukuhkan pertahanan siber negara dan turut diundang sebagai ahli panel dalam Defense Service Asia (DSA) 2021 Exhibitions and Conference, Webinar Blockchain and AI(Artificial Intelligence) Technologies in Military Perspective, sebagai panel di Malaysian Youth Assembly in Digital Pearl Harbour: Malaysia’s Proactive National Response, serta sebagai speaker di Webinar Pengurusan Dasar dan Analisis Keselamatan Siber anjuran Unit Perancang Ekonomi Jabatan Perdana Menteri (UPE JPM).

KP SEP juga memainkan peranan penting dalam menggerakkan usahasama agensi-agensi kerajaaan bagi pembangunan sistem keselamatan rangkaian buatan tempatan dengan penglibatan ATM, MKN-NACSA, Cybersecurity Malaysia, MAMPU, MIMOS, Bahagian Industri Pertahanan serta universiti dan syarikat tempatan . Kerjasama ini turut melibatkan pemerkasaan keintelektualan dalam domain keselamatan siber di peringkat ATM dan Malaysia melalui kursus pendek sehingga ke peringkat sarjana.

Anugerah Keselamatan Siber Malaysia ini bertujuan untuk mengiktiraf usaha profesional kepada pemerkasaan keselamatan maklumat dan menggalakkan inovasi serta mencetus pakatan strategik dalam industri keselamatan dan infrakstuktur teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT) tempatan. Anugerah ini juga bertujuan menekankan kepentingan dan keselamatan siber dalam landskap infrastruktur teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT) dan digital Malaysia.

ATM mengucapkan syabas dan tahniah kepada YBhg Dato’ di atas pencapaian yang membanggakan ini.
