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3 Div Conducts Basic Drone Operation Course to Enhance Capabilities of Recce Troopers and Snipers

MELAKA: An officer and 47 members of Other Ranks (LLP) from formations and teams under the auspices of the Malaysian Third Infantry Division (3 Div) were involved in the Basic Drone Operation Course 3 Div Series 1/2022 organized by the HQ 3 Div Intelligence Branch at the Officer Hall, Terendak Camp from 20 to 24 June 2022.

The teaching staff consists of officers and staff of the HQ 3 Div Intelligence Branch and also assisted by several invited trainers from Army HQ – Intelligence Branch and Army 165th Intelligence Battalion.

The purpose of the course is to provide basic exposure to the methods of using drone technology in the process of collecting intelligence information in the field in accordance with the assignment of reconnaissance and sniper personnel.

The course includes several modules involving drone flight laws and regulations, basic technical matters, implementation of drone simulator use, drone operation for forward survey, practical training and followed by final exercise called Exercise FREE BEE to test drone handling ability by students.

This course was conducted based on the intent of the Commander 3 Div, Maj Gen Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim who required that the capabilities of reconnaissance and sniper personnel be enhanced by the use of drones.

The closing ceremony of the course was officiated by the Chief of Staff of HQ 3 Div, Col Nor Afendi Mohd Thufik at Dewan Perwira, Terendak Camp on 24 June 2022.

The conduct of this exercise is in line with the 28th Chief of Army, namely the First Pillar, Mission Continuity and Vigilance and the Second Pillar, Empowering Organizational Integrity.

  • Headquarters of the Third Malaysian Infantry Division


MELAKA: Seorang pegawai dan 47 anggota Lain-Lain Pangkat (LLP) daripada formasi dan pasukan di bawah naungan Divisyen Ketiga Infantri Malaysia (3 Div) terlibat dalam Kursus Asas Pengendalian Dron 3 Div Siri 1/2022 anjuran Cawangan Risik MK 3 Div bertempat di Dewan Perwira, Kem Terendak mulai 20 hingga 24 Jun 2022.

Tenaga pengajar terdiri daripada pegawai dan staf Cawangan Risik MK 3 Div serta turut dibantu oleh beberapa jurulatih jemputan dari MK TD – Cawangan Perisikan dan Batalion 165 Risik Tentera Darat.

Tujuan kursus dilaksanakan adalah bagi memberi pendedahan asas terhadap kaedah penggunaan teknologi dron di dalam proses pengutipan maklumat perisikan di medan bersesuaian dengan penugasan anggota tinjau dan sniper.

Pengisian kursus ini merangkumi beberapa modul melibatkan undang-undang dan peraturan penerbangan dron, perkara asas melibatkan teknikal, pelaksanaan penggunaan simulator dron, pengoperasian dron bagi tinjauan hadapan, latihan praktikal serta diikuti latihan akhir iaitu Eksesais FREE BEE bagi menguji keupayaan pengendalian dron oleh para penuntut.

Kursus ini dilaksanakan berasaskan hasrat dari Panglima 3 Div, Mej Jen Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim yang berkehendakkan agar keupayaan bagi anggota tinjau dan sniper ditingkatkan dengan aturgerak penggunaan dron.

Majlis penutup kursus disempurnakan oleh Ketua Staf MK 3 Div, Kol Nor Afendi Mohd Thufik bertempat di Dewan Perwira, Kem Terendak pada 24 Jun 2022.

Pelaksanaan latihan ini selaras dengan Perintah Ulung Panglima Tentera Darat Ke-28 iaitu Tonggak Pertama, Kelangsungan Misi Dan Kesiagaan dan Tonggak Kedua, Memperkasakan Keutuhan Organisasi.

  • Markas Divisyen Ketiga Infantri Malaysia