SUBANG, 5 July 2022-The Closing Ceremony of Command Post Exercise, AIR THAMAL 30/22 (CPX AT 30/22) was officiated by the Joint Exercise Directors (CO-EXDIR) of both countries, namely Group Captain Watcharapol Nualpenyai RTAF and Col Razali bin Ahmad Jumali TUDM. The ceremony was held at the Air Warfare Center (AWC) Auditorium, Subang Air Base.
In this exercise, three (3) main objectives have been achieved; namely to improve bilateral relations between RMAF and RTAF at the operational and tactical levels, enhance and evaluate the competence of RMAF and RTAF personnel in the air planning process and to increase understanding of processes and procedures. in joint air operations.
This exercise is conducted by the RMAF as the organizer after it was postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Through this exercise, the defence cooperation relationship between Malaysia and Thailand is constantly strengthened and strengthened.
SUBANG, 5 Julai 2022 – Perasmian Majlis Penutup Command Post Exercise, Eksesais Air THAMAL 30/22 (CPX AT 30/22) telah sempurnakan oleh Pengarah Eksesais Bersama (CO-EXDIR) kedua-dua negara, iaitu Group Captain Watcharapol Nualpenyai RTAF dan Kol Razali bin Ahmad Jumali TUDM. Majlis tersebut telah diadakan di Auditorium Air Warfare Centre (AWC), Pangkalan Udara Subang.
Dalam eksesais pada kali ini, tiga (3) objektif utama telah dapat dicapai iaitu untuk meningkatkan hubungan bilateral antara TUDM dan RTAF di peringkat operasi dan taktikal, mempertingkat serta menilai kecekapan anggota TUDM dan RTAF dalam proses perancangan udara dan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang proses dan prosedur dalam operasi udara bersama.
Esksesais ini merupakan eksesais yang dikendalikan oleh TUDM sebagai penganjur setelah ianya tertangguh berikutan pandemik Covid-19. Melalui eksesais ini, hubungan kerjasama pertahanan di antara Malaysia dan Thailand sentiasa diperkasa dan diperkukuhkan.