SEPANGGAR, 16 August 23 – Exercise ANGSA Series 14/23 recorded its own historical record with the involvement of assets of the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) and Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) which showcased the concept of joint naval operations and air. The closing ceremony of the ANGSA Series 14/23 exercise was completed by the Chief of Air Force, General Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Mohd Asghar Khan bin Goriman Khan RMAF at Dewan Sepanggar, RMN Base Kota Kinabalu, Sabah today.

The Chief of Air Force in his closing speech expressed his gratitude and pride for the achievements and success of Exercise ANGSA Series 14/23 which, as a whole, was able to be carried out smoothly and achieve the objectives outlined and no serious incidents occurred.

The ANGSA exercise is the only largest joint exercise between the RMN and RMAF that is organized on a rotating basis. This year, the concept of the exercise, the Field Training Exercise (FTX), has been developed taking into account the actual threat situation and the current capabilities of RMN and RMAF assets to test and evaluate the level of preparedness and mutual service between RMN and RMAF in dealing with maritime conflicts in a joint operation.

In his speech, the Chief of Air Force emphasized the element of ‘people’ or human resource assets is the main pillar in RMN and RMAF and this exercise plays a very important role in stimulating the integration capability of “people, process & platform” expressed through training, equipment and weaponry in tandem with current defense requirements. Therefore, the increase of knowledge and experience through exercises like this is very valuable and significant in producing excellent members of the Malaysian Armed Forces to deal with contemporary and future challenges, improving the skills and competence of members in carrying out the duties and trusts given to preserve the nation’s maritime sovereignty.

He added that to achieve the element of “jointness”, it is not an easy task for an armed force, but this ANGSA exercise is the most suitable platform to empower the element of “jointness” and identify the interoperability gap between the services in the future. He hopes that efforts to increase the element of “jointness” will continue to be further enhanced to jointly form a task force that is more mature and trusted in the collective implementation of maritime domain operations. This ANGSA exercise is also a driver for improving tactics, techniques and procedures between RMN and RMAF at the operational and tactical levels. This exercise also involves the Malaysian Army.

The Air Force Chief also expressed his highest appreciation to the Eastern Fleet Command Headquarters and the Air Operations Command Headquarters, as co-organizers of the FTX ANGSA Series 14/23 Exercise, and for having realized the organization of this prestigious exercise from the early stages of planning to the end of the implementation safely and succeeded.

Also present, the Chief of Navy, Admiral Tan Sri Abdul Rahman bin Ayob; The 5th Division Commander, Major General Datuk Abdul Rahman bin A. Wahab represented the Army Chief; Commander of Air Operations, Lieutenant General Datuk Mohd Shahada bin Ismail RMAF; Air Support Commander, Major General Masro bin Kaliwon RMAF; Commander of the Western Fleet, Vice Admiral Datuk Abu Bakar bin Md Ajis; Eastern Fleet Commander as Officer Scheduling Exercise (OSE) ANGSA 14/23, Vice Admiral Dato’ Pahlawan Haji Muhammad Ruzelme bin Haji Ahmad Fahimy; Commander of Naval Region 1, Rear Admiral Farizal bin Myeor, Senior Officers, Commanding Officers and exercise participants.

With the end of Ex ANGSA Series 14/23, RMAF also drew the curtain of Exercise PARADISE Series 10/23 which ran concurrently.


SEPANGGAR, 16 Ogos 23 – Eksesais Angkasa Samudera Siri 14/23 atau Eksesais ANGSA Siri 14/23 mencatat rekod sejarahnya tersendiri dengan penglibatan aset Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) dan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) yang mempamerkan konsep kebersamaan operasi angkatan laut dan udara. Majlis Penutup Eksesais ANGSA Siri 14/23 telah disempurnakan oleh Panglima Tentera Udara, Jeneral Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Mohd Asghar Khan bin Goriman Khan TUDM bertempat di Dewan Sepanggar, Pangkalan TLDM Kota Kinabalu, Sabah hari ini.

Panglima Tentera Udara di dalam ucapan penutup menzahirkan kesyukuran dan rasa bangga dengan pencapaian dan keberhasilan Eksesais ANGSA Siri 14/23 yang secara keseluruhannya, telah dapat dilaksanakan dengan lancar dan mencapai objektif – objektif yang telah digariskan serta tiada sebarang insiden yang serius berlaku.

Eksesais ANGSA merupakan satu-satunya eksesais bersama terbesar di antara TLDM dan TUDM yang dianjurkan secara penggiliran Pada tahun ini, konsep eksesais iaitu Field Training Exercise (FTX) telah dibangunkan dengan mengambil kira situasi ancaman sebenar dan keupayaan semasa aset TLDM dan TUDM bagi menguji serta menilai tahap kesiapsiagaan dan saling khidmat antara TLDM dan TUDM dalam menangani konflik maritim secara operasi bersama.

Dalam ucapannya, Panglima Tentera Udara menekankan elemen ‘people’ atau aset sumber manusia merupakan tonggak utama dalam TLDM mahupun TUDM dan eksesais ini memainkan peranan yang sangat penting dalam merangsang keupayaan integrasi “people, process & platform” yang dizahirkan menerusi latihan, peralatan dan persenjataan seiring dengan keperluan pertahanan semasa. Justeru, peningkatan ilmu pengetahuan serta pengalaman melalui eksesais seperti ini adalah amat berharga dan signifikan dalam melahirkan warga Angkatan Tentera Malaysia yang cemerlang bagi menangani cabaran kontemporari dan mendatang, meningkatkan kemahiran dan kompetensi anggota dalam melaksanakan tugas dan amanah yang diberikan bagi memelihara kedaulatan maritim negara.

Tambah beliau, bagi mencapai elemen “jointness”, bukanlah satu tugasan yang mudah bagi sesebuah angkatan tentera namun Eksesais ANGSA ini merupakan platform yang paling sesuai bagi memperkasakan elemen “jointness” serta mengenal pasti jurang kebolehoperasian di antara perkhidmatan di masa hadapan. Beliau berharap usaha peningkatan elemen “jointness” akan terus dipertingkatkan lagi bagi bersama-sama membentuk sebuah angkatan tugas yang lebih matang dan diyakini dalam pelaksanaan operasi domain maritim secara kolektif.

Eksesais ANGSA kali ini juga menjadi pemacu kepada penambahbaikan taktik, teknik dan prosedur di antara TLDM dan TUDM di peringkat operasional dan taktikal. Eksesais ini juga turut melibatkan Tentera Darat Malaysia.

Panglima Tentera Udara turut merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada Markas Pemerintahan Armada Timur dan Markas Pemerintahan Operasi Udara, selaku penganjur bersama Eksesais FTX ANGSA Siri 14/23, dan telah merealisasikan penganjuran eksesais yang berprestij ini dari peringkat awal perancangan sehingga ke akhir pelaksanaan dengan selamat dan berjaya.

Turut hadir, Panglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Tan Sri Abdul Rahman bin Ayob; Panglima 5 Divisyen, Mejar Jeneral Datuk Abdul Rahman bin A. Wahab mewakili Panglima Tentera Darat; Panglima Operasi Udara, Leftenan Jeneral Datuk Mohd Shahada bin Ismail TUDM; Panglima Bantuan Udara, Mejar Jeneral Masro bin Kaliwon TUDM; Panglima Armada Barat, Laksamana Madya Datuk Abu Bakar bin Md Ajis; Panglima Armada Timur selaku Officer Scheduling Exercise (OSE) ANGSA 14/23, Laksamana Madya Dato’ Pahlawan Haji Muhammad Ruzelme bin Haji Ahmad Fahimy; Panglima Wilayah Laut 1, Laksamana Muda Farizal bin Myeor, Pegawai-Pegawai Kanan, Pegawai-Pegawai Memerintah dan peserta eksesais.

Dengan berakhirnya Eks ANGSA Siri 14/23, TUDM turut melabuhkan tirai Eksesais PARADISE Siri 10/23 yang berlangsung seiringan.

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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