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IPC and ISS Mark the Opening of Army and USMC Collaboration in Exercise TIGER STRIKE 2024

TERENGGANU: A total of 25 officers from the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF), representing the Army Operations and Training Headquarters (MK TD-OPLAT), 10th Brigade (Para) (10 Bde (Para)), Army Combat Training Center (PULADA), Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN), Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF), and 15 participants from the United States Forces (USF), including representatives from the US Embassy and the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), engaged in the first face-to-face discussion session held around the Terengganu region on 26 January 2024.

10 Bde (Para) was mandated by Army HQ as the main participants in Ex TIGER STRIKE 2024, collaborating with the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit, USMC, with a bilateral exercise focusing on amphibious operations scheduled to take place from 29 May to 6 June 2024.

The main objectives outlined during the Initial Planning Conference (IPC)/Initial Site Survey (ISS) were to discuss the implementation concept, including the selection of the exercise area, organizational structure, participants, assets, logistics, and others.

The exercise is also planned to involve air assault elements during the assault phase.

The execution of this exercise indirectly serves as a platform to support the Way Forward Blueprint of the 10 Bde (Para) in enhancing capabilities in Amphibious and Air Assault Operations.

Furthermore, this exercise adds value to researching the planning and evaluation processes for the development of manuals for the use of the 10 Bde (Para).

Overall, the IPC and ISS were successfully conducted, achieving the outlined objectives. Further discussions and additional determinations will be addressed during the Main Planning Conference (MPC) and Final Planning Conference (FPC).

The IPC/ISS conclusion was sealed with the signing of the IPC Confirmation Note by both MAF and USF.

Also present was the Deputy Commander of the 10 Bde (Para), Colonel Mohd Azral Manan.


TERENGGANGU: Seramai 25 pegawai dari ATM iaitu wakil dari Markas Tentera Darat Operasi dan Latihan (MK TD-OPLAT), Briged Ke-10 (Para) (10 Bgd (Para)), Pusat Latihan Tempur Tentera Darat (PULADA), Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM), Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) dan 15 peserta dari United Stated Forces (USF) iaitu wakil dari Kedutaan US dan 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) telah terlibat dengan sesi perbincangan pertama secara bersemuka bertempat di sekitar kawasan Terengganu pada 26 Jan 2024.

10 Bgd (Para) telah diberi mandat oleh MK TD sebagai pelaku utama dalam Eks TIGER STRIKE 2024 bersama 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit, USMC berkonsepkan eks bilateral menjurus kepada operasi amfibi (Amphibious Operations) dan dijangka akan dilaksanakan pada 29 Mei hingga 6 Jun 2024.

Objektif utama yang digariskan semasa Initial Planing Conference (IPC)/Initial Site Survey (ISS) adalah untuk membincangkan konsep pelaksanaan seperti pemilihan kawasan eks, organisasi eks, pelaku, aset, logistik dan lain-lain.

Eks ini turut dirancang dengan melibatkan elemen serangan udara (Air Assault) semasa fasa serangan (Action – Assault Phase).

Pelaksanaan eks ini secara tidak langsung menjadi platform dalam menyokong Blue Print Way Forward 10 Bgd (Para) dalam usaha peningkatan keupayaan dari aspek Operasi Amfibi dan Serangan Udara (Amphibious & Air Assault Operations).

Eks ini juga sebagai nilai tambah dalam meneliti proses perancangan dan juga proses penilaian bagi penghasilan manual untuk kegunaan 10 Bgd (Para).

Secara keseluruhannya, IPC dan ISS telah berjaya dilaksanakan dan mencapai objektif yang digariskan. Perbincangan lanjut dan lain-lain ketetapan akan dibincangkan semasa MPC dan FPC.

Penutup IPC/ISS disempurnakan dengan menandatangani Nota Pengesahan IPC oleh kedua-dua pihak ATM dan USF.

Turut hadir, Timbalan Panglima 10 Bgd (Para), Kol Mohd Azral Manan.

-MK 10 Bgd (Para)
