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MAF Special Forces Conduct Exercise BLACK SNAKE

The Defence Special Operations Forces Division (BOPKP), comprising GGK, PASKAL, and PASKAU, conducted the Ex “Black Snake” or Counter-Terrorism Train Option and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) Training on 2 April 2024.

The capabilities and readiness of these 3 MAF special forces were tested with an operational scenario starting at midnight and concluding at 3 in the morning.

Such exercises aim to maintain the standard and competence level of BOPKP as the First Responder Group in handling Counter-Terrorism threats within the country, ensuring they are always prepared to be deployed at a moment’s notice.


Bahagian Operasi Pasukan Khas Pertahanan (BOPKP) yang terdiri daripada GGK, PASKAL dan PASKAU telah melaksanakan Eksesais “Black Snake” atau Latihan Anti-Counter Terrorism Train Option dan Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) pada 2 April 24.

Keupayaan dan kesiapsiagaan 3 Pasukan khas ATM ini telah diuji dengan senario operasi bermula Jam 12 malam sehingga ke akhir latihan pada jam 3 pagi.

Latihan sebegini diadakan adalah bertujuan bagi mengekalkan tahap standard dan kompetensi BOPKP sebagai First Responder Group dalam menangani ancaman Anti-Terrorism di dalam negara sentiasa dalam keadaan siap sedia untuk diaturgerak sebilang masa.
