Exercise Satria Tangkas and Satria Berani to Test 15 RMR Ops & Training 17th December 201917th December 2019 NEGERI SEMBILAN: A total of 20 officers and 280 other ranks of the 15th Royal Malay Regiment (15 RMR) from 1st Brigade took part in Exercise Satria Tangkas and Exercise Satria Berani from 1 to 9 December 2019. Exercise Satria Berani CPX Ex Satria Berani is a command post exercise (CPX)
Exercise PAHLAWAN 16/2019 Begins Ops & Training 31st October 201931st October 2019 LUMUT, 31 Oct - A large-scale exercise involving all three Services of the MAF (Land, Sea and Air) services, Exercise PAHLAWAN 16/2019 was unveiled today by Navy Chief Admiral Tan Sri Mohd Reza bin Mohd Sany on behalf of the CDF at the Venus Auditorium, KD SULTAN Idris 1, RMN
2 Royal Ranger Regiment Conducts Exercise Satria Berani Ops & Training 22nd August 201922nd August 2019 2 Royal Ranger Regiment conducted Ex Satria Berani 2/2019 at the Army Warfare Centre at Syed Sirajudin Camp from 16 to 23 Aug 2019. The exercise participants comprises of personnel from 2 RRR, HQ 2 Bde, 4 Div, HQ Training, and troops from the Artillery, Armour and Engineer Regiments. The exercise also
RMN-USN 2019 Maritime Training Activity Defence Relations Ops & Training 14th August 201921st August 2019 Lumut, August 14 - The RMN-USN 2019 Maritime Training Activity (MTA) Opening Ceremony was officiated by Western Fleet Commander Admiral Dato' Aris Adi Tan bin Abdullah and witnessed by Pacific Maritime Superintendent Admiral Linda L.Fagan at Lumut Naval Base today. The RMN-USN MTA 2019 runs from 13 to 18 August 19.
Opening of Exercise KEKAR MALINDO Series 43AB/2019 Ops & Training 24th July 201924th July 2019 INDONESIA: Commander 3 Bde, BG Mohd Isa bin Jaafar was present at the opening ceremony of KEKAR MALINDO Series 43AB/2019 on 24 Jul 2019. Opening ceremony of KEKAR MALINDO Series 43AB/2019 on 24 Jul 2019. Exercise Keris Kartika Malaysia & Indonesia (KEKAR MALINDO) Series 43AB/2019 is a joint Joint Training between HQ
LATGABMA MALINDO DARSASA – 10AB/2019 Field Integration Training Defence Relations Ops & Training 24th July 201924th July 2019 BOGOR, INDONESIA, 23 Jul 19 - LATGABMA MALINDO DARSASA - 10AB/2019 Field Integration Training (FIT) today is pursuing fast roping training activities from helicopter jointly by both armed forces (MAF and TNI). FIT involving helicopter operations In addition, the personnel also carried out tactical rappelling exercise from a building.
Satria Berani and Satria Tangkas 1/2019 Closing Ceremony Ops & Training 19th July 201919th July 2019 SABAH: A total of 24 officers and 347 other ranks from the 5 Brigade (Bde) were involved in Exercise Satria Tangkas (FTX) 1/2019 and the closing ceremony was officiated by Commander 5 Bde BG Muhammad Hafizuddeain Jantan at Kg Brantian on Jul 18, 2019. This exercise is a continuation of