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Exercise PAHLAWAN 16/2019 Begins

LUMUT, 31 Oct – A large-scale exercise involving all three Services of the MAF (Land, Sea and Air) services, Exercise PAHLAWAN 16/2019 was unveiled today by Navy Chief Admiral Tan Sri Mohd Reza bin Mohd Sany on behalf of the CDF at the Venus Auditorium, KD SULTAN Idris 1, RMN Base, Lumut.

The objective of the exercise is to evaluate the capabilities and efficiency of the three branches of the MAF and the Joint Headquarters in performing the assigned operational tasks.

The 16th edition of Exercise PAHLAWAN is conducted as both a Command Post Exercise (CPX) and Field Training Exercise (FTX) involving land, sea, air assets along with the participation of 2,314 officers and personnel.

The CPX is being held at the Lumut Naval Base while the FTX involving the deploying of troops and components will be conducted at several locations around Lumut and Setiawan, Perak.

This concept of Conventional Warfare will include activities such as mobilizing RMN and RMAF assets for maritime security in the Straits of Malacca and the South China Sea; mobilising Army elements assisted by the RMAF, mobilisation of Joint Special Force Operation Command (JSFOC); conduct of Information Operation (IO) by Defense Intelligence Staff Division (BSPP) and communications under ATM Headquarters – KOMLEK; testing all in-service communication systems and equipment; the firing of the Multiple-Launch Rocket System (MLRS) at Tanjung Hantu, Perak; and the Defense Operations Center (POP) will serve as the Central Operations and Command Center.


LUMUT, 31 Okt 19 – Latihan berskala besar yang melibatkan ketiga-tiga perkhidmatan ATM (Darat, Laut dan Udara), Eksesais Pahlawan 16/2019 telah dirasmikan pembukaannya hari ini oleh Panglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Tan Sri Mohd Reza bin Mohd Sany mewakili Panglima Angkatan Tentera di Auditorium Venus, KD SULTAN Idris 1, Pangkalan TLDM, Lumut.

Objektif eksesais ini diadakan bertujuan untuk menilai keupayaan dan kecekapan ketiga-tiga cabang perkhidmatan ATM dan Markas Angkatan Bersama di dalam melaksanakan tugasan operasi yang dipertanggungjawabkan.

Eksesais Pahlawan edisi ke-16 ini dilaksanakan secara Latihan Pos Perintah (Command Post Exercise – CPX) dan Latihan Medan (Field Training Exercise – FTX) melibatkan aset darat, laut, udara dengan penyertaan seramai 2314 pegawai dan anggota.

Lokasi eksesais bagi Latihan Pos Perintah (CPX) dilaksanakan di Pangkalan TLDM Lumut manakala Latihan Medan (FTX) yang melibatkan atur gerak terup dan komponen akan dilaksanakan di beberapa lokasi sekitar Lumut dan Setiawan, Perak.

Eksesais yang berkonsepkan Peperangan Konvensional (Conventional Warfare) ini akan melibatkan aktiviti-aktiviti seperti atur gerak aset TLDM dan TUDM dalam keselamatan maritim di Selat Melaka dan Laut China Selatan; atur gerak elemen Tentera Darat dibantu oleh TUDM, aturgerak Joint Special Force Operation Command (JSFOC); pelaksanaan Information Operation (IO) oleh Bahagian Staf Perisikan Pertahanan (BSPP) dan komunikasi di bawah Markas ATM – KOMLEK; menguji semua sistem dan peralatan komunikasi dalam perkhidmatan; tembakan Sistem Roket Lancar Berganda (SRLB) di Tanjung Hantu, Perak; dan Pusat Operasi Pertahanan (POP) yang akan berperanan sebagai Pusat Operasi dan Pemerintahan atasan.

Turut hadir di majlis perasmian adalah Panglima Operasi Udara, Lt Jen Dato’ Sri Hj Abdul Mutalib bin Datuk Hj Ab Wahab TUDM mewakili Panglima Tentera Udara serta pegawai-pegawai kanan ATM.

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