Joint Task Force 2 Change of Administrative Officer Appointment between Lt Muhammad Zulhilmi bin Mat Tahir TLDM and Lt Dya Mohamad Asyraf bin Kutty TLDMTAWAU, 18 Jun 19 - Bertempat di pekarangan Markas Angkatan Tugas Bersama 2 telah berlangsungnya Majlis Serah Terima Tugas Pegawai Tadbir dan Pemakaian Pangkat Anggota Lain-lain
New Joint Force Headquarters ACOS J6 COL Sufain bin Ahmad
Coordinating Officer, Ex PAHLAWAN 2019 – Change-of-Appointment Ceremony
New coordinating officer for Exercise PAHLAWAN 2019.KUALA LUMPUR, 23 Mei 2019 – Majlis Serah Terima Tugas Pegawai Koordinasi Eksesais Pahlawan 2019 di antara Lt Kol Izham bin Darus dengan Lt Kol Azmi bin Hj Ali disaksikan oleh Asisten Ketua Staf J7 Laksma Chan Peng Cheong dan Pengarah J7 Kol Zulfakar
Handing-over of various Director appointments in J9
KUALA LUMPUR, 6 Mei 19 – Majlis serah terima tugas Pengarah J9 telah di sempurnakan oleh Asisten Ketua Staf (AKS) J9 Brig Jen (Dr) Mohd Ghazalli bin Mohd Taha di pejabat AKS J9. HOTO of Director, Medical Logistics between COL (Dr) Saravanan and COL (Dr) Mohd Jefrry bin JalaluddinMajlis didahului
Rank Structure in the Malaysian Armed Forces
The Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) is responsible in defending the nation's sovereignty and independence. In Malaysia there are three main branches in MAF; namely Army (TDM), Navy (RMN) and Air Force (RMAF). (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The three branches in the MAF are headed by the Chief of