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Handing Over of Ops Pasir Northern Sector 1/2021

Sandakan, 22 May 21 – The Handing Over of Op PASIR Northern Sector Series 1/2021 between the 23rd Battalion, Royal Malay Regiment (23 RMR) and the 15th Battalion, Royal Malay Regiment (15 Regiment) was carried out at the premises of the Headquarters Tactical, Camp Pulau Berhala.

The parade consisted of 4 Officers and 30 members of Other Ranks. The ceremony was followed by the signing and handing over of the Handover Note between Lt Col Anuar bin Mohd Tahir, Commanding Officer of 23 RMR to Maj Shahrol Ariffin bin Mhd Aris, Acting Commanding Officer of 15 RMR. The ceremony was witnessed by Brig Gen Johari bin Mohd Jaafar Commander of Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2).

At the end of the ceremony, the Commander of JTF 2 gave a souvenir and expressed his congratulations to the Commanding Officer and the entire team of 23 RMR for having carried out the operation for 3 months with full dedication and success. He also reminded all operational members to always abide by the SOPs that have been set.


SANDAKAN, 22 MEI 21 – Majlis Serah Terima Tugas Op PASIR Sektor Utara Siri 1/2021 di antara Batalion Ke-23 Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (23 RAMD) dan Batalion Ke-15 Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (15 RAMD) telah dilaksanakan di pekarangan Markas Taktikal, Kem Pulau Berhala.

Perbarisan tersebut terdiri daripada 4 Pegawai dan 30 anggota Lain-Lain Pangkat. Majlis seterusnya disempurnakan dengan acara menandatangani serta menyerahkan Nota Serah Terima Tugas di antara Lt Kol Anuar bin Mohd Tahir Pegawai Memerintah 23 RAMD kepada Mej Shahrol Ariffin bin Mhd Aris Pemangku Pegawai Memerintah 15 RAMD. Upacara tersebut telah disaksikan oleh Brig Jen Johari bin Mohd Jaafar Komander Angkatan Tugas Bersama 2 (KATB 2).

Di akhir majlis, Komander ATB 2 telah memberikan cenderahati serta menzahirkan ucapan syabas dan tahniah kepada Pegawai Memerintah serta seluruh warga pasukan 23 RAMD kerana telah melaksanakan operasi selama 3 bulan dengan penuh dedikasi dan jayanya. Beliau turut mengingatkan agar semua anggota operasi sentiasa mematuhi SOP yang telah ditetapkan.

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